When comparing Karabiner-Elements and macOS-Defaults you can also consider the following projects: Logitech G Hub on MacOS? Need their Developer ID, I think.Shifty : get more control over Nigh Shift DaVinci Resolve: professional video editing software IriunWebcam : use your phone as a wireless webcam Karabiner-Elements : configure your keyboard as you want (useful to configure hotkeys on a windows keyboard) WineBottler : use Windows apps on MacOS Malwarebytes : scan your system drive for malware VirusTotalUploader : check for malware inside a file Teamviewer : control your hack/mac from another device (phone/computer/tablet) SuperDuper! : backup your disks, make the copy bootable if necessary Sublime Text : lightweight and powerful text editor
Keka : lightweight and powerful file archiver Shutter Encoder: easy to use video transcoder HandBrake : open source video transcoder Onyx : clean and configure your hack/mac AppPolice : quickly throttle down the CPU usage of any running process HoRNDIS : use your Android phone's native USB tethering mode to get internet access Hackintool : The Swiss army knife of vanilla Hackintoshing (must have) KeepingYouAwake : keep your hack/mac awake (prevent from going to sleep mode without modifying system parameters) Stats : monitoring your hack/mac hardware (temps, fans, HDD, SSD.), basically a copy of iStat Menu but free Lulu : user friendly and easy to use firewall